Herbarium of Geneve (G)….. soon !
Herbarium of Natural History Museum of London (B)
Herbarium of University Montpellier (MPU)
Herbarium of Kew, Royal botanic gardens, London (K)
Herbarium of Strasbourg , France (STR)
Central Herbarium of Tehran University-Faculty of Science (TUH)
Herbarium of Research institute of Forests & Rangelands, Tehran (TARI)
Herbarium of Tehran University, Faculty of pharmacy – visited: 2012 (TEH)
Herbarium of HKS, Sanandaj, Iran (HKS)
My research interest is associated with Nepeta plants, I would like to see the collection of these plants
Dear Alexy, for Iranian Nepeta you can check this list: http://flora-iran.com/plant-families-iran.html
but, unfortunately, we dont have more photo of this species.